| 1. | A native of warm temperate zones in asia , europe , and north america , azaleas are widely scattered the world over . there are 850 wild species , over 600 of which can be found in china . some can be used in medicine , such as the red azalea which is said to detoxify , clear heat , dissolve phlegm and cure coughs 杜鹃花原产亚洲、欧洲和北美洲的温带地区,分布极广,有八百五十个野生品种,超过六百种长于中国,某些品种如红杜鹃更有清热解毒和化痰止咳的药用价值,喜玛拉亚山的树形杜鹃则被尼泊尔选为国花。 |